

Hi there! My name is Weifeng Liu (AaronComo), an undergraduate student at School of Cyber Science and Engineering, Wuhan University. I became a member of the Key Laboratory of Aerospace Information Security and Trusted Computing in 2022, where I am currently engaged in research focused on the field of DeepFake under the esteemed guidance of Professor Run Wang.

My research interest lies in the Security and Privacy of Artificial Intelligence, where I explore the vulerability and robustness of Deep Learning Models and Large Language Models (e.g., Adversarial Attack, DeepFake Detection). During my academic study, I enjoyed a wonderful time with Tianyi She, Yan Cai and Boheng Li.

Academic Research

Lips Are Lying: Spotting the Temporal Inconsistency between Audio and Visual in Lip-syncing DeepFakes

Weifeng Liu$^\dagger$, Tianyi She$^\dagger$, Jiawei Liu, Run Wang$^*$, Dongyu Yao, Ziyou Liang

Let Real Images be as a Judger, Spotting Fake Images Synthesized with Generative Models

Ziyou Liang, Run Wang$^*$, Weifeng Liu, Yuyang Zhang, Wenyuan Yang, Lina Wang,Xingkai wang


  • First Prize. The 16th Chinese Collegiate Computing Competition Province Finals
  • Third Prize. The 2023 Huawei ICT Competition National Finals
  • Copyrights. Computer Software Copyright of the National Copyright Administration of China * 2
  • Top 8.9%. China Computer Federation (CCF) Computer Software Professional (CSP) Certification

Scholarships and Honors

  • Freshman Second Class Scholarship. Award Rate: 10% school-wide, Wuhan University
  • Top two in Second Class Scholarship of WHU. Award Rate: 10% school-wide, Wuhan University
  • Huawei Scholarship. Award Rate: 15/59774=0.03%, Wuhan University & Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
  • Merit Student. Award Rate: 60/59774=0.1%, Wuhan University
  • Learning Advanced Individual. Award Rate: 5% school-wide, School of Cyber Science and Engineering
  • Learning Progress Individual. Improved ranking by 50, School of Cyber Science and Engineering
  • Advanced Individual in Scientific Innovation. School of Cyber Science and Engineering
  • Outstanding Department Head of the Student Union. School of Cyber Science and Engineering
  • Excellent Work Team of the Student Union. School of Cyber Science and Engineering

Project Experiences

  • Lips Are Lying: Spotting the Temporal Inconsistency between Audio and Visual in Lip-syncing DeepFakes (LipFD). [⤤]
  • “艺境梦旅: 壁画之韵” 一站式中华文化 IP 项目. [⤤]
  • Backend Lead of the Wuhan University under the National Key Research and Development Program for Young Scientists. [⤤]
  • Orange OS: Cross-compiling Experimental Microkernel Operating System from aarch64 to x86. [⤤]
  • Deep-Learning-Based Mural Restoration System. [⤤]
  • High-Precision Large Integer Arithmetic System. [⤤]
  • Mini-C Language Lexical Analyzer. [⤤]
  • A Tool for Secure Deletion on FAT32. [⤤]

Professional Skills

  • Proficient in using C, C++, Python, and Java.
  • Proficient in Android development.
  • Master at Image, Audio, Video Processing and Post-production Editing.


  • 2021.09 - now, School of Cyber Science and Engineering, Wuhan University, China
  • 2018.09 - 2021.07, Tianjin No.1 High School, Tianjin, China
  • 2018.03 - 2018.07, Tianjin Jian Kai Middle School, Tianjin, China
  • 2015.09 - 2018.02, Beijing Shi Da Middle School, Beijing, China
  • 2009.09 - 2015.07, Daxing Branch of Beijing primary school, Beijing, China